ISO Weekly email (sept. 19)

ISO Weekly email (sept. 19)

    • George's Grand Pause

 Hello everyone,

Hope you are having a good week so far! Here are some notes from our last rehearsal.

Violins, be your sassy best during the first part. Cellos, don’t forget vibrato on the pizzicato (sounds like a pizza order).  

Don’t be in such a hurry to play that you forget to rest on those quarter rests, (Sometimes quiet is as important as the notes you play.) Speaking of quiet, don’t you think that the GP (Grand Pause) is fun? Below, you can see my cat, George doing a classic grand pause. Usually he does the grand pause while we are opening the door for him to come in.

And lastly, put your feet on the floor when you play! No slouching or legs crossing or you might have to play a solo.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. See you Saturday, September 19th at the normal time.

Elizabeth Shamblin