ISO weekly email for Oct 24

ISO weekly email for Oct 24

 Hello everyone,

This weekend, our we will have our normal rehearsal (starting at 8:45) on Saturday. We had to move around a bit last week because Bone Hall was being used by the Duke Jazz Band. This week won’t involve as much shuffling of people, instruments, stands, and cases, and riding on elevators. (But it will still be fun! )

Have a listened to the YouTube clip while looking at your part? If you still don’t have your part because you were absent or you lost it while playing in a leaf pile, you can download another or ask me and I will give you a printed one on Saturday. Don’t be afraid to ask! 

YouTube clip: La Lyra by Telemann

Download your part here

--Elizabeth Shamblin

PS If you want your child to get this email directly, let me know and I will add their email to the list.