ISO weekly email for Oct. 31

ISO weekly email for Oct. 31

Hello everyone,

This weekend, Saturday, Oct. 31, Violin I players need to get up nice and early to come in for a sectional with Mr. Rempher. Show up at the crack of 8AM, or a little before then, and I will have someone let you in the front door. (Even the door thinks it’s early and doesn’t unlock until 8AM.) Don’t worry, you get an extra hour Sunday morning when daylight savings time ends. 

Everybody else, come at 8:30 so we can start right on time at 8:45. Don’t be late! 

We are going to have assigned seats so that everyone can have a regular stand partner and so we can make sure that during the year, everyone gets a chance to sit closer to the front. I will have your seating assignments posted on the blog and will put your name tags on your stands. If you need a change, let me know. 

Listent to the YouTube clip: La Lyra by Telemann

See the upcoming sectional schedule on the blog.

See you Saturday!

--Elizabeth Shamblin