ISO weekly email for Nov. 14th

ISO weekly email for Nov. 14th

Hello everyone,

This weekend, Saturday, Nov. 14th, it’s your turn Violin III players and Viola players, to get up nice and early to come in for a sectional with Mr. Rempher. (Everybody else, come at 8:30 so we can start right on time at 8:45.) Don’t be late!

Parents (and assistants) who feel comfortable tuning, you can help tune in the halls near the practice rooms. That will help get orchestra started on time… Assistants, if you play Viola or Violin III, join us at the early sectional. (I know, it’s early. But it would be a great help if you come in at 8).

Last week second violinists did a fine job of showing up early! And 90% of you made it! (The other 10 percent had good excuses).

Listen to the YouTube clips:

La Lyra by Telemann

International Jingle Bells

See you Saturday!

--Elizabeth Shamblin

PS Next week, cello players come in early.