Hi Violin Choir 1! Our exciting 50th anniversary concert is coming up. You did great rehearsing with Beginner Violins and Cello Choir last Saturday. We'll have a great performance.
Here is the infomation about the day of the concert, Saturday, November 11th.
10-10:30am regular class in room #104
10:30-11am rehearse Orange Blossom Special with other groups in room #101
2:30pm Dress rehearsal in Nelson Music Room
We will perform as a choir "Alouette" and "Ode to Joy".
Then perform "Orange Blossom Special" with everyone at the end of the concert. The concert should be less than an hour long.
Dress code is something nice. Something appropriate for performing on stage. No jeans:)
Thank you so much! I am looking forward to this concert.