Music Theory I (Fall Semester)
Includes all the basic building blocks that make up music. Students will study staff notation, key signatures, intervals, triads, 7th chords, ear training, and even conducting. Theory I sets the foundation for the rules and construction of Western- European music composition.
Available to: DUSS musicians learning more about the building blocks of music. Music Theory is generally for Violin Choir 3, Cello Choir 2, ISO and CSO levels.
Matt Stutzman, instructor
Saturdays, 10:15 – 11:05 am
Room 069
Music Theory II (Spring Semester)
Also called "Form and Analysis," this class's primary objective is to study major composers from the year 500 A.D. to present. An in-depth look at composition teaches style, history of instrumentation, the development of Western-European music traditions, and a sense of where you (yes, you) belong in the spectrum of music. The class is generally for Violin Choir 3, Cello Choir 2, ISO and CSO levels.
Pre-requisite: Theory I, or permission from the instructor.
Matt Stutzman, instructor
Saturdays, 10:30 – 11:20am
Room 069