Mimi Zweig visiting DUSS November 23/24

Mimi Zweig Residency

The Duke University String School is pleased to bring Mimi Zweig, Professor of Violin and Viola at the Jacobs School of Music and Director of the Indiana University String Academy to Durham to work with the Duke String School students on November 23 and area string teachers on November 24.

The Bach Double workshop is open to the public for observation. Student participation in this workshop is open to all ISO, CSO, and YS violin, cello and bass Students.
In order to play in the class, students must have their teacher's approval, and ISO students must check with their teachers to see if the material is appropriate for their ability level.

Violinists: ask your teacher if you should prepare and sign up for Violin 1 or Violin 2.


Saturday, November 23

10:00am - 1:30pm Violin Choirs with Mimi Zweig during normal class time.

2:30 - 4:00 Bach Double Workshop, Bone Hall

  • For YS, CSO, ISO students. Registration (via Signup Genius) and teacher approval required for all students.
  • Students playing in the class can REGISTER HERE.
    • Note: Students must practice the parts attached and not the Suzuki editions, as they have different bowings, articulations, and fingerings. 

Sunday, November 24

9:30am - 1:30pm Teacher workshop for area string teachers, Bone Hall
