I’m really looking forward to our first rehearsal this Saturday, September 10th in room 086 from 10:00-11:00am!
Please bring: A well-fitting mask, your instrument, an endpin anchor, a small chair or stool, and a pencil. We will be masking in class until Duke University relaxes the mask protocol, which will likely happen when new case numbers are lower. We will have folders with music printed out for you on Saturday. The music we’ll be using will also be available on this blog post in case you ever need another copy.
Important: If you or someone in your household has Covid symptoms and/or tests positive, please do not come to rehearsal that Saturday. Simply email me and I will make sure to give you assignments so that you can know what to work on during the week. If a student tests negative but is still ill (fever or vomiting in the last 48 hours, active cough, sore throat, doesn't feel well enough to play and participate, etc), please do not come to class and stay home to rest and recover.
Please review our attendance policies HERE.
Parents are always welcome to stay and observe!